Market Potential Analysis for New Stores

We help retailers to evaluate the market potential for the opening of new brick-and-mortar stores. 

Our data-driven location analytics solutions help any kind of retail companies to identify the best potential locations for new stores and define their strategic roadmap.


Roadmap Definition

We begin with the evaluation of the city of interest, in order to define if it offers a real market opportunity. 

  • Is there a real market opportunity?  
  • Are our potential customers in the city?  
  • What competition should we face? 

Site Selection Process​

 Once we have confirmed that the city has the potential the client is looking for, we go further in-depth to find the best locations for the new stores.

  • Where are the best locations for the new stores?
  • How many stores should we open?
  • Where are my competitors’ stores?
  • What is the expected revenue in each of the potential stores?

Roadmap Definition

We begin with the evaluation of the city of interest, in order to define if it offers a real market opportunity. 

  • Is there a real market opportunity?  
  • Are our potential customers in the city?  
  • What competition should we face? 

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