How Big Data Analytics and GIS Are Impacting the Agricultural Industry

Geographic Informations Systems turns data into information that farmers and land managers can use to take informed and timely decisions to increase productivity.

Sensors located in fields, tractors and satellites above farms are constantly collecting data.

Geolocations systems and Big Data are able to convert this data into information that agricultural companies can use to make more informed and timely decisions, increasing productivity, allowing to collect information on soil and plant needs to apply treatments that increase agricultural production, managing costly resources such as fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.

You may be interested in: “Agriculture: Solutions Based on Satellite Imagery“.

“The image shows an analysis performed by PREDIK Data-Driven about the projection of flood susceptibility areas on a California county.”

What benefits does the use of Big Data generate in the agricultural industry?

With the optimization of crop yields through predictive modeling by developing and implementing algorithmic models it is possible to predict, environmental conditions, such as humidity, air temperature, surface characteristics in areas of a large plantation where weed hotspots, erosions, floods, droughts and so on are more likely to be generated, mitigating the negative impact of destructive natural phenomena and identifying susceptible areas.

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With satellite imagery and predictive analytics, these tools predict the consumption of resources and products used throughout the process, in turn optimizing production in plantations and reducing costs, such as water, fertilizers, seeds, etc., several of these things can be done by calculating the water stress of each crop, detecting visual patterns behind water shortages and managing the performance of irrigation systems or setting accurate and timely alarms to prevent the invasion of harmful insects and pests or infestations.

Also read: “Images as data = Business solutions“.

In the case of livestock these tools manage to monitor the health, fertility and nutrition of livestock, equally supporting the prevention of encounters with wild animals.

There are millions of solutions with geospatial data models. At PREDIK Data-Driven we help the agricultural industry to solve and anticipate problems in all their operational and administrative processes.

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