Case Study: Heat maps applied to site location strategies
Heat maps are used by retail giants to understand pedestrian and vehicular footfall patterns and consequently optimize their strategies for opening new stores. At site selection solutions. In this case study, we will talk about how a transnational chain of stores dedicated to the sale of household goods was able to reduce its investment risks […]
Location intelligence for Retail Expansion Plans: Case Study
Companies rely on the efficient use of big data and location intelligence techniques as the axis of all their decision-making process, reducing the risks of new investments associated with expansion plans, site selection, or new store openings. At PREDIK Data-Driven we support global corporations to optimize their expansion strategies with 100% data-driven methodologies. One of […]
How to use POI analytics to understand commercial areas?
Location intelligence and POI characterization through Big Data are increasingly being used to make business decisions in the retail, real estate, logistics, and port sectors, among others. Businesses can leverage point-of-interest (POI) data to identify the population and customer patterns and trends, making smarter data-driven decisions. In the retail sector, POI characterization allows marketers to identify a business’s market share, the spending power of people […]