What Business Questions Does Geospatial Data Answer?

This data can be seen as pieces of a puzzle that, separately, do not provide much insight into an overall picture or solution. But when analyzed and visualized with data from any sector, valuable patterns, relationships and interactions emerge that can lead to better decision making and business innovations.

Geospatial data is any type of data with a geographic component derived from satellite imagery. This includes any attached location information, such as an address point or a defined area.

You may be interested in: “Geospatial data to optimize supply chains.

Geospatial data has multiple uses and applications. From informing strategic planners of potential routes that could be affected due to risks inherent to geography or vehicular and pedestrian traffic in a given area, identifying the best routes to optimize logistics processes by improving delivery times of products or services, to segmenting the population by socioeconomic status.

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Also read: “Geospatial data applied to the retail sector“.

What are some of the questions we can answer with geospatial data?

  • Where are my customers now and how long does it take me to reach them?
  • What are the customers who are close to my points of sale like?
  • What types of customers are there per area per sector?
  • How quickly can I deliver my product to each area?
  • In which areas is there demand for my products via home delivery?
  • In which areas do I find households with children under 5 years old?
  • How many have people over 60 years old? 15 to 24 year olds?
  • What products and services do they prefer? What is their purchasing power?

Contact us to learn more about uses and applications of geospatial data for business.

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