Solutions with Big Data and Micro-mobility analytics

Matching demand and supply is the basis of the business model of any company whose operations depend on micro-mobility, since for every unit of demand that is not satisfied, an order is lost, leading to loss of profits and customer loyalty.

All companies that rely on micro-mobility can better manage their assets by improving their algorithms with location intelligence and foot traffic analytics, identifying demand peaks or drops beyond the average value in order to foresee or solve any kind of unexpected problem and generate solutions based on Big Data. Mobile tracking helps to know what is happening over any terrain and teaches how to be proactive about it.

The real world is constantly changing, and a business model cannot always adapt to these sudden changes, so analyzing historical patterns using Big Data and foot traffic techniques helps to understand these minute nuances of how any given area of interest behaves.

These are some of the solutions that these tools provide to the processes related to micro-mobility:

Through spatial data used by algorithms in real-time, demand and supply are adjusted by identifying, a particular set of variables helping and generating mobility insights by answering questions such as:

  • Where are users concentrated?
  • What is the abandonment rate per minute?
  • Is it increasing, decreasing, or constant?
  • Where is a supply available closest and how far away is it?
  • What is the rate per minute?

With a historical Big Data analysis, patterns in misalignment and business model improvement are identified, helping to make more strategic decisions and understand the flow, answering questions such as:

  • Do the mismatches in those locations have a pattern and occur with a certain frequency?
  • Is there something inherent to the area or the supply?
  • Where is the next demand most likely to occur?
  • In which zone is the next demand most likely to occur?
  • How far away are the drivers currently located?
  • Would the trip have been profitable?

To obtain granular details of how users of a point of interest behave, profile them based on their tastes, preferences, and actions, and thereby:

  • Personalize strategies
  • Increase customer engagement and retention.
  • Gain visibility into how dimensions interact with each other.
  • Create location insights or micro-markets based on the performance of the different areas.
  • Get a complete picture of what is happening on the ground.
  • Narrow the gaps between supply and demand.
  • Identify bottlenecks in the delivery journey and know in which steps of the life cycle time and costs are spent.


The micro-mobility phenomenon certainly has the potential to disrupt business sectors. The level of efficiency of micro-mobility enterprises will depend on the way an organization manages and uses its technological tools.

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