Predictive models for maintenance services

Predictive maintenance based on big data and geospatial data seeks to define the best time to perform work on an asset, so that maintenance frequency is as low as possible and reliability is as high as possible without unnecessary costs. Maintenance teams are beginning to embrace the use of big data and predictive modeling to […]

Uses and applications of Big Data for Deliveries

Delivery companies leverage location intelligence to have better market capture and maximize customer experience. More and more businesses are getting into the product delivery business. This quest, in turn, has led them to need location intelligence, as it allows them to measure and control various factors critical to the success of their business, or their […]

The Importance of Location Analytics for Supply Chain Management

Location Analytics for Supply Chain Management

Location analytics and location intelligence are two of the most powerful tools for businesses looking to optimize their supply chain operations. Logistics managers need to implement location intelligence in global supply chains to: But how do these tools help improve supply chain management? How can some companies deliver products to customers so quickly and efficiently? The […]

Location Intelligence to build smart cities

Leveraging current and historical data on location movements allows urban planners to understand current challenges and build smart, flexible and efficient cities. As more cities begin to implement smart city planning based on data science, location intelligence insights help shape policies that will benefit neighborhoods and the people who live in them. Smart cities embrace […]

Benefits of route planning with location intelligence

Location intelligence measures travel behavior accurately and comprehensively, identifying why last-mile delivery is often the least profitable in the supply chain, traffic dynamics and transportation congestion. Intelligent route optimization using geospatial data plays a crucial role in determining which vehicles to choose over possible routes and junction points to optimize the flow along the chain […]

How to infer relationships between companies with Big Data?

The use of geospatial data provides deep insight into the logistical, legal, and commercial relationships between corporations and facilities of different companies all over the world. Location intelligence and foot traffic analytics have revolutionized the way in which businesses generate competitive advantages within the various business sectors, being able to infer the behavior and relationships […]

How do I get my business back on track after the pandemic?

Location analytics is taking its place as a key tool for identifying what consumers want and need, regardless of their wealth or demographic status. COVID-19 has led to completely unexpected behavioral changes. How can location intelligence help in the recovery of any type of business? COVID-19 restrictions have caused many owners to halt expansion plans, […]

How to avoid delays in supply chain processes with Big Data?

The current global crisis in supply chains is forcing companies to manage their distribution methods by adopting a proactive approach based on Big Data and advanced analytics. Most supply chain delays do not occur when goods are in motion between suppliers and locations. Instead, delays typically occur in handoffs between organizations and suppliers There are […]

Benefits of supply chain mapping with Big Data

Location intelligence through spatial data allows leaders to create a detailed supply chain mapping and thereby identify opportunities and mitigate distribution risks for any company. Supply chain mapping through spatial data and Big Data techniques allows leaders to implement strategies to react promptly when a supplier faces a shortage, a loss of goods, a surge […]

How to profile mall visitors?

POI characterization through Big Data has become more frequent as it allows the implementation of strategies and site selection solutions within the various business sectors. Leaders use these techniques to make more efficient and concise decisions that generate greater profitability by maximizing revenues and optimizing costs. Case Study: Visitor profiling at Perisur, one of the […]